
Neo Mint 2020

WGSN, a world-renowned leader in forecasting fashion and design trends, anticipates a colour palette that will edge out blush pink within the upcoming two years. New Mint is the colour of 2020. WGSN specialists rely on the following line of defence: 

  • First and foremost, the colour is futuristic;
  • Secondly, the New Mint 2020 combines both natural and synthetic shades, uniting nature and science; 
  • Thirdly, the colour is unisex – one cannot consider it completely feminine or masculine. 

Neo Mint is a fresh aquamarine (powder blue) shade, celebrating oxygen. The main challenge is preserving the balance if you opt for this colour palette in interior designs. Photographs of monochrome neo mint interiors allure the interest and catch the eye, but in practice, these colour solutions can be applied in spaces where you appear from time to time. Many designers tip-off to use neo mint as accents: upholstery or interior details are perfect to create the required aeriality atmosphere.  

2020 celebrates a new combination of neo mint and cassis colours, starring a mixture of pinks, purples and soft yellows. In addition, the New Mint 2020 is a perfect companion to pastel tones and saturated colours.

We inspire you to opt for the Neo Mint upholstery featured in our textile collection. 
2019-11-26 15:07